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How much is Kaspa worth?

With a circulating supply of 24 Billion KAS, Kaspa is valued at a market cap of $2,714,114,019 . Track the latest Kaspa price, market cap, trading volume, news and more with CoinGecko's live KAS price chart and popular cryptocurrency price tracker.

How much does Kaspa (Kas) cost?

The highest price paid for Kaspa (KAS) is $0.189, which was recorded on Feb 20, 2024 (3 months). Comparatively, the current price is 39.59% lower than the all-time high price. What is the all-time low for Kaspa (KAS)? The lowest price paid for Kaspa (KAS) is $0.000171, which was recorded on May 26, 2022 (almost 2 years).

Is Kaspa (Kas) outperforming other cryptocurrencies?

With a price increase of 2.50% in the last 7 days, Kaspa (KAS) is outperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is down -0.50%, while outperforming when compared to similar Layer 1 (L1) cryptocurrencies which are down -1.70%. Kaspa (KAS) price has increased today.

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